JRC’s Early Warning System (or EWS) provides the local population with precise information about current events directly form the authorities, transmiting the urgency of the situation and alerting the locals to evacuate.
JRC’s siren/loudspeaker warning system is an effective and useful system to provide necessary, accurate information to the residents in the neighborhood quickly in the event of emergency.
If a large scale of disaster due to a super typhoon, giant tsunami or high tide is forecast, each of the relevant local governments can receive the warning and evacuation information issued by the central government via satellite links (if a satellite communication system is provided), and such warning and evacuation information can readily be disseminated to the local residents by this siren/warning system.
As the digital terrestrial TV broadcasting system (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting ‒ Terrestrial (ISDB-T) system) has been generalized in Japan, the warning and evacuation information issued by the central government can be received by the EWBS (Emergency Warning Broadcast System) receiver installed in each warning station, from which such information can be broadcast to the local residents.
Alert system through Digital Radio
The system uses Digital Radios with 60 MHz bandwidth. The local government uses it daily in communications with local communities and when providing evacuation alerts. This method was used in 2011’s japanese tsunami.
Alert system through Broadcast Radio
The system uses already existing AM/FM radios. The warning station is equipped with AM/FM receivers with automatic activating function. If there is a radio station in the destination area, the signal can be transmitted through the already existing infrastructure. It is also possible to include a personal receiver in every house of the area.
Alert system through 3G/4G
The system uses 3G/4G modems and also digital rádios. Installed in Jakarta, Indonesia.